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lunes, 11 de julio de 2011

el perfil de el escalamiento, Lo positivo de las Redes Sociales: 1 ejemplo

Interesante artículo sobre nuevas formas de reducir algunos efectos negativos de los perfiles y habitos de los usuarios de las Redes Sociales.

A London security firm has come up with the modern way to deter burglars while you are away.
Precreate Solutions is offering a "social networking concierge" service, which will tweet and update Facebook while you are on holiday, fooling potential burglars into thinking you are at home.It began the service after a string of robberies in which it is believed social networking sites were monitored.Director Gary Jackson said: "Putting up a Facebook posting of photographs on a beach to 300-400 'friends' is like leaving an advert on your door to a burglar telling him when you will be out. We are now going to run clients' social media while they are away to give an appearance that there is still a presence at their homes and business premises."Mr Jackson, who said the firm had more than 40 clients in the capital's most affluent areas, said it was simply an extension of existing security."Many people set their lights and radios and TVs on timers when they are away so why not extend this into the internet as well and have a virtual presence on social media to make any would-be thief think twice?"

The team works with clients to learn their normal routine - such as when children have tennis lessons - and then updates status messages to match while the client is away. Although the service is currently offered free, Mr Jackson said it had become so popular the firm was planning a standalone social networking security service, possibly charging about £50 a month.

A customer in Hampstead Garden, who wished to remain anonymous, said he believed that social networking had already led to one burglary at his home when he lost £300,000 of art.

He said: "It was so well-planned that we thought it looked like an inside job. However, then we realised my wife and son use social networking a lot. It happened in the middle of a two-week holiday, and we also recently suffered an attempted break-in after my son tweeted about his sports day."

Bamboozling the burglars?

Sebastian is having a piano lesson at home with his new teacher and he's really coming on well

I'm waiting in for the gardener who is coming round to fix the trellis at 3.30pm

My son Michael has come over from New York and is staying with me in London

I'm waiting for my new BlackBerry phone to be delivered. Hope it arrives soon


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